Tuesday, September 1, 2009

And I am interested in...

following Lucy's lead. That's my intended goal this year. I want to watch and listen and tune into her needs, wants, likes and areas of interest. I'm trying to step back a little bit this year and allow HER desires to unfold without mine getting in the way. Partly that's hard because she is my daughter and I want to share with her things that I like. Which I do. But I must also be prepared for her to not like them too. Partly it's hard because sometimes we just think if I am interested in something, it'll just take time for her to be interested too. Not always the case.

And I am reminded of my mantra... She is she and I am me. She is she and I am me.

The she that is her is unfolding into her almost 12 year old self so beautifully and clearly and passionately too.

I am interested in this journey we are on. The good and the difficult too.

1 comment:

  1. We can each have our likes and dislikes...but we can also share our wisdom in life.
    I can relate...when we like something we want others to experience that joy we are feeling. That's a good thing.
